Deepti Bhavan, Choottakkadav
Place : Choottakkadav
Established Year: 1980
Address: Mananthavady , Wayanad
Pin: 670645
Phone: 04935 -240336,244894

This is the provincial house. The convent was started in a small house bought in an area of bad reputation. It proved to be an ideal place for the daughters of St. Francis. The local wolves have changed. Due to the centrality of the location many a passing birds of different congregations stop over here to refresh themselves. Congestion is the only difficulty here. The top floor of the house used to acndommodate ten boarders. Later they have moved out to a nearby house. The inmates of this house served as mess-in-charges of the diocesan seminary and the Bishop's house. The convent keeps a good relation with all the God's children in and around Mananthavady town. They are free to come over to this Deepthi Bhavan for prayer and consolation. In1986 March 22nd Mananthavady became a Vice Province; the temporary head quarters of the Province at Dwaraka was shifted to Deepthi Bhavan with necessary modifications.

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